Good news! USFWS says NO to “Intensive Management” on Refuge Lands

USFWS Director Dan Ashe has done a terrific job of describing the meaning of this decision, in a blog published on Huffington Post:

“…over the past several years, the Alaska Board of Game has unleashed a withering attack on bears and wolves that is wholly at odds with America’s long tradition of ethical, sportsmanlike, fair-chase hunting, in something they call “intensive predator management.” In this context, intensive means aggressive and sustained, and management means killing…

…But there comes a time when the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service must stand up for the authorities and principles that underpin our work and say “no.”

Here is the official, if somewhat dry, press release about this action from USFWS.

Read Mr. Ashe’s excellent full commentary on Huffington Post.