
Victory in Our Lawsuit to Protect Beaufort Sea Polar Bears!

Victory in Our Lawsuit to Protect Beaufort Sea Polar Bears!

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled yesterday that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service must correct legal errors with a regulation that allows oil and gas companies to harass Southern Beaufort Sea polar bears on the North Slope of Alaska.

Our 2023 Annual Report!

Our 2023 Annual Report!

Learn more about our work in 2023!

Another publication! Geographic Origins of Shorebirds Using an Alaskan Estuary during Migration

Geographic Origins of Shorebirds Using an Alaskan Estuary during Migration

Authors: Ulman, Sadie E.G., Van Wilgenburg, Steven L., Morton, John M., and Williams, Christopher K.

Source: Waterbirds, 46(1) : 47-56

Published By: The Waterbird Society


Abstract.—Chickaloon Flats, Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, is an 11,000-ha tidal mudflat complex in upper Cook Inlet, Alaska. One-third (23 of 70) of Alaskan shorebird species use this protected coastal estuary stopover during migration. We conducted an isotopic approach to estimate probable breeding, staging and/or non-breeding origins of six shorebird species, some of high conservation concern, using Chickaloon during spring and fall migration of 2009 and 2010. We analyzed stable-hydrogen (d2H), carbon (d13C), and nitrogen (d15N) isotope ratios from feathers and performed a likelihood-based assignment to infer North and South American origins. Estimated molting distributions for Greater Yellowlegs (Tringa melanoleuca) occurred in southwest Alaska, and south-central Alaska for Short-billed Dowitcher (Limnodromus griseus caurinus). Lesser Yellowlegs (Tringa flavipes) likely molted in western Alaska and a latitudinal band across Canada and wintered throughout the contiguous United States. Least Sandpipers (Calidris minutilla) wintered from Oregon and south in North America but showed an isotopically similar possibility in Ecuador, Colombia, and Venezuela. Long-billed Dowitchers (Limnodromus scolopaceus) molted primaries across western United States and Canada. Pectoral Sandpipers (Calidris melanotos) likely molted near Rio de La Plata in southeastern South America. These results highlight the overall value of Chickaloon Flats as a stopover for long-distance shorebird migrants. Received 29 Mar 2022, accepted 7 Aug 2023.

Read the full article here!

We Published! Impact of Climate Change on Alaska Natives in December 2023 Journal of Environmental Health

We Published! Impact of Climate Change on Alaska Natives in December 2023 Journal of Environmental Health

From the abstract: Alaska, with its unique geographical and ecological characteristics, is experiencing the detrimental effects of climate change at an alarming rate. The Alaska Native (AN) population, deeply connected to the land and its resources, faces disproportionate vulnerability to these impacts. We call attention to climate change impacts on AN food sovereignty, mental and behavioral health, cultural and spiritual practices, resiliency and adaptation, and how local Alaskan organizations are addressing climate change impacts.

This article also highlights the urgent need for environmental public health professionals to engage with AN and Native American communities, address health inequities, and participate in mitigation and adaptation efforts to address the environmental public health threats and consequences of climate change. Increasing awareness of climate- related health impacts on these communities is crucial and immediate actions are needed to support safer, healthier, and more sustainable and climate-resilient communities. Government agencies at all levels should also seek to integrate perspectives from Indigenous Peoples, engage in co-management strategies, and provide equitable funding and support for Indigenous communities. Unity, resilience, and adaptation become attainable goals by joining communities in caring for the environment. This message resonates not only in Alaska but also globally, highlighting the need for collective action in the face of climate change.

AWA Publication: Reimagining large river management

AWA Publication: Reimagining large river management

From the abstract, “Anticipating and managing climate-induced ecosystem transformations in large rivers is particularly challenging given their inherently complex socio-ecological dynamics that often cross jurisdictional boundaries. We examine how the Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD) framework can facilitate informed decision making and a more cohesive and proactive approach to managing ecological trajectories…”

AWA's Kenai Peninsula Coordinator wins NOAA Partners in the Spotlight award!

AWA's Kenai Peninsula Coordinator wins NOAA Partners in the Spotlight award!

Our Kenai Peninsula Coordinator, Teresa Becher, was just awarded a 2023 'Partners in the Spotlight Award' from NOAA fisheries! These national awards recognize partners who have expanded and enhanced recovery of the country's most imperiled marine species.

The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly of the Southcentral Board of Game meeting

The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly of the Southcentral Board of Game meeting

Over 200 regulatory proposals were considered - here are the results.

Breaking News: Victory for Brown bears and other wildlife on the Kenai!

Breaking News: Victory for Brown bears and other wildlife on the Kenai!

We celebrate long-lasting protections for brown bears, lynx, fox, beavers and more!

Victory! After years of effort, Bristol Bay celebrates EPA’s historic action to stop Pebble Mine

Victory! After years of effort, Bristol Bay celebrates EPA’s historic action to stop Pebble Mine

Victory for the wildlife of Bristol Bay!

Alaska Wildlife Alliance Receives 2022 Best of Anchorage Award!

Alaska Wildlife Alliance Receives 2022 Best of Anchorage Award

Press Release: Anchorage Award Program Honors the Achievement

ANCHORAGE December 9, 2022 -- Alaska Wildlife Alliance has been selected for the 2022 Best of Anchorage Award in the Community Organizations category by the Anchorage Award Program.

Each year, the Anchorage Award Program identifies companies that we believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in their local community and business category. These are local companies that enhance the positive image of small business through service to their customers and our community. These exceptional companies help make the Anchorage area a great place to live, work and play.

Various sources of information were gathered and analyzed to choose one winner in each category. The 2022 Anchorage Award Program focuses on quality, not quantity. Winners are determined based on the information gathered both internally by the Anchorage Award Program and data provided by third parties.

About Anchorage Award Program

The Anchorage Award Program is an annual awards program honoring the achievements and accomplishments of local businesses throughout the Anchorage area. Recognition is given to those companies that have shown the ability to use their best practices and implemented programs to generate competitive advantages and long-term value.

The Anchorage Award Program was established to recognize the best of local businesses in our community. Our organization works exclusively with local business owners, trade groups, professional associations and other business advertising and marketing groups. Our mission is to recognize the small business community's contributions to the U.S. economy.

SOURCE: Anchorage Award Program

Anchorage Award Program

2022 Annual Report

2022 Annual Report

From polar bears to halibut, this year we’ve worked to protect hundreds of species in Alaska. Read our annual report to learn about all AWA’s work in 2022!

StoryMap! Wildlife and the new Sterling Highway underpasses

StoryMap! Wildlife and the new Sterling Highway underpasses

Why do moose cross the road? To get to the other side, of course — as do other wildlife like lynx, caribou, bears and wolves. The nature of the beast is that dens and calving areas and salmon and hardwood browse and berries don’t all occur in the same place. View a new storymap that demonstrates new wildlife crossings on the Sterling Highway!