Alaska wildlife

AWA in the news: One of the Largest Caribou Herds in Alaska is Careening Towards Extinction

AWA in the news: One of the Largest Caribou Herds in Alaska is Careening Towards Extinction

“In the past three decades, the Mulchatna caribou herd of southwestern Alaska has gone from nearly 200,000 to 12,000. Last year, the state wildlife agency’s Board of Game started to explore ways to help the struggling population. It landed on a controversial solution called "intensive management," also called predator control, which directs wildlife officials to indiscriminately kill predators. It was the first time the state included bears in the hunt, a decision that had no public process and was conducted without bear population estimates.”

Species Spotlight: The Emotional Lives of Mammals, Birds, Fish and Insects by Bob Armstong

Species Spotlight: The Emotional Lives of Mammals, Birds, Fish and Insects by Bob Armstong

Watch or read longtime AWA member, Bob Armstrong’s latest post on the emotional lives of Alaska’s wildlife. “ I often spend months and sometimes years trying to understand the behavior of certain mammals in the wild…here are a few images and short stories that have impressed me the most.”

The Kodiak Archipelago: The Importance of the Kodiak Bear in the Naming of Alaska’s Largest Island

The Kodiak Archipelago: The Importance of the Kodiak Bear in the Naming of Alaska’s Largest Island

“A language’s relationship to its community is not unlike the connection nature has to individual animals- the two depend on one another.” Discover a sense of place through the interconnection between native language and Kodiak bears in the Kodiak Archipelago of South Alaska.